Returning To Verania

Returning to Verania was a lot harder than I expected it to be.

Weird, right? I mean, I wrote the previous four books, so it should’ve been really easy for me to fall back into that world I’d created. Yes, the last book in the series—A Wish Upon the Stars—came out in 2018, but these books come from my twisted mind, and it was so much harder than I thought it’d be to get back into the swing of things.

Fairytales From Verania shouldn’t exist. It’s book five in the series, but it doesn’t have anything to do with the main story line. It’s a group of four stories—three of which aren’t even part of the main canon. The fourth—David’s Dragon—is set a thousand years before The Lightning-Struck Heart. So what the fuck was I thinking writing this instead of Prince Justin’s book?

Because writing is hard. I tried. I really did. I had fits and starts with Justin’s book over the last couple of years, half-baked ideas that went nowhere. It wasn’t that the ideas weren’t good (some were better than others), it was me. For some hellish reason, I couldn’t get back into the swing of things, into the cadence of this universe, a mixture of over-the-top I CAN’T BELIEVE I JUST WROTE THAT with a healthy dose of angst to go along with it.

For a little bit, I wondered if that was it, if going back to Verania would be too much of a hassle. Verania readers are of a different breed—you either love these books, or you hate them. There really isn’t much of a middle ground, and I’m fine with that. These books are gloriously dumb, and while the latter books in the series get more serious, things were always a sex joke away from falling back into comedic idiocy.

But then someone asked if they could write fanfiction about the books. I said, sure, why not. And then I thought—wait. Could I write fanfiction of my own books? Something weirdly meta, with a wink and a nudge to show we were all in on the joke.

I said fuck it, why not? And sat down to write.

The Princess in the Tower came first, a retelling of Rapunzel starring Gary. This was followed by Sam and the Beanstalk (the title is explanatory) and The Good Boy, my take on Cinderella staring Todd, he of the blueberries and the awesome ears. These stories are dumb. These stories are ridiculous. These stories are exactly what I needed to get back into this world. I didn’t have to worry about continuity. I didn’t have to worry about Dark wizards or prophecies or overblown stakes. Remember that random side character called Sir who was only in one scene where Sam takes Justin to meet him for a date? Well guess what! He gets his own damn story with Todd?


Who the fuck knows. But I wrote this and the other stories, and I found the missing spark I thought I’d lost when trying to start Justin’s book. The first three stories aren’t meant to be taken seriously. They are meant to be me having a blast, and poking fun at myself and these endearing characters.

The fourth story, however, is different. David’s Dragon is something else entirely. Most of you following me know that I write long books. Too long, really, but hey, everyone has their faults. But with David’s Dragon, I was able to tell a heartwarming and heartbreaking story in under 40K words, and I’m proud of it. Yes, I love the other three stories, but David’s Dragon is something else entirely. Who is the Star Dragon, that dick of a constellation who helped Sam against Myrin…in his own way. Who was David? I found out, and I can’t wait for you to see who they are too. Warning, they might make you cry, but there is a reason for everything. As an old friend of mine once said: stone crumbles.

This is my first release of 2021, and I can’t wait for you to get your hands on it. If you’re reading this the day I posted it, you have one week until I invite you back to Verania. One week until you get to see some beloved characters in…well. In a different light.

(I shit you not: Sam is a talking weasel in the first story. Blame all the Disney movies I grew up on. I regret nothing.)

I can’t wait for you to see what Sam and company get up to! Whatever it is, you will most likely be moderately offended at some point. It you’re not, chances are you need therapy. But that’s okay. I wrote them into existence, and I turned out all right.


The audio will be available for sale on April 27. The ebook, linked below, are available for pre-order now. The paperback will go up at some point later this week.




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Comments from old website:

Just binged the first 4 books in three series and I'm looking forward to these stories. I couldn't stop laughing for most of them and there may have been some tears. Can't wait for more Verania books and to learn more about Justin.

Cannot wait! Already pre-ordered the kindle and have a credit at Audible on hold for the audiobook. Super happy it drops the same day!

Love this! Thanks for letting us know about your process. Verania was how I met you and fell in love with your stories, I have already preorder the ebook but can't wait for the audiobook too with Michael, hopefully ;)

David's Dragon is such a wonderful story, I am so looking forward to people's reaction to it, even more so than the other three tales xx

I'm all in....all the fuck in! I'm so happy. You.Make.Me.Happy. I love everything about everything you write. Mostly, unless it makes me cry, but then I end up loving that too. So thank you!

TLSH was the first of your books I read, after a gaming group kept referring to 'The Book of Sass'. Of course I had to check that out. Their nickname was apt, & I loved the characters and your writing from the very first chapter.

This collection is AMAZEBALLZ.

Well I guess I fall in the ‘I love them camp’! I laughed until I cried. I can’t wait to read these and appreciate seeing some of your writing journey. I can’t tell you how happy I am that the audiobook is being narrated by Michael Lesley, he is amazing. Thank you!!

Mapa Barragan

Brand Strategist
During the past 10+ years, Mapa has worked with companies across the globe to launch new brands, products & services.

She only partners with companies that are building a better, healthier, more conscious and sustainable future. Mapa founded Quaandry, a Design & Branding Agency, to help companies create powerful strategies, meaningful experiences, compelling branding and memorable designs.

Fairytales From Verania Is Out!


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