Fairytales From Verania Is Out!

Important reminder: this book—and all the rest in this series—are not meant for younger readers. I’ve joked about this for the past few months in the lead up to the release, but in all seriousness, this is an 18+ novel. There is sex, language and a bunch of other stuff that is not suitable for younger readers. Please do not buy this book for them. Thank you!

Here we go!

Finally, after a three year absence, it’s my pleasure to invite you back to the strange and ridiculous world of Verania. In Fairytales From Verania, you’ll get to see the characters you know in a rather different light, though Gary is still slightly murderous and Sam is more than a little ridiculous. There is action! And adventure! And some pretty fucked up shit that I was 100% sober when I wrote it!

(This is a good thing. I think.)

You will laugh. You will cringe. You will most likely cry because hello…this is a TJ Klune book, after all. But most of all, you’ll believe that Gary is an evil stepmother, Ryan is Knight Delicious Face for a reason, Tiggy is pure sunshine no matter what form he takes, Sam is a talking weasel (and also a talking rat) and that Prince Justin did not give consent for his name and/or likeness to be used in any of this drivel, Sam remove my name at once or I will see you pooping in buckets for the rest of your godsdamn life!


I hope this book brings a smile to your face, because it brought one to mine when writing it. These characters—these absurd, lovely characters—are some of my favorite, and I can’t wait for you to see what they get up to.

Fairtytales from Verania is here!

Buy links:

Amazon Ebook

Amazon Paperback

Audio performed by Michael Lesley

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Comments from old website:

N.J. Lysk
Can't wait! :D :D :D

So much laughing, so much crying. Loved every single story! Even though you tore my heart out in David's Dragon.

If you read (or listened in my case) to more than a minute of these books you know their definitely not for under 18s!

Mapa Barragan

Brand Strategist
During the past 10+ years, Mapa has worked with companies across the globe to launch new brands, products & services.

She only partners with companies that are building a better, healthier, more conscious and sustainable future. Mapa founded Quaandry, a Design & Branding Agency, to help companies create powerful strategies, meaningful experiences, compelling branding and memorable designs.


Flash Fire Is Out!


Returning To Verania